Table des matières

Scapy : les commandes de base

Utilisation de Scapy en interactif

Pour pouvoir manipuler les paquets réseaux, il est nécessaire d'être root pour une majorité de tâches lors du lancement de Scapy

root@debian:~# scapy
INFO: Please, report issues to
WARNING: IPython not available. Using standard Python shell instead.
Welcome to Scapy (3.0.0)

Utilisation de Scapy dans un script Python

Pour pouvoir utiliser Scapy dans un script Python, il faut inclure la bibliothèque Scapy avec l'instruction :

from scapy.all import *

Les commandes de base

>>> ls()
AH         : AH
ARP        : ARP
ASN1_Packet : None
CAN        : CAN
CookedLinux : cooked linux
DHCP       : DHCP options
DHCP6      : DHCPv6 Generic Message)

Plus de 150 protocoles réseaux supportés dont Ethernet, IP, IPv6, TCP, UDP, DNS, ICMP, DHCP, ARP, BOOTP, NetBIOS, NTP, Radius, SNMP, TFTP, etc.

Pour visualiser les informations contenues dans un objet de protocole (avec les valeurs par défaut) :

>>> ls(ARP)
hwtype     : XShortField          = (1)
ptype      : XShortEnumField      = (2048)
hwlen      : ByteField            = (6)
plen       : ByteField            = (4)
op         : ShortEnumField       = (1)
hwsrc      : ARPSourceMACField    = (None)
psrc       : SourceIPField        = (None)
hwdst      : MACField             = ('00:00:00:00:00:00')
pdst       : IPField              = ('')
>>> lsc()
arpcachepoison      : Poison target's cache with (your MAC,victim's IP) couple
arping              : Send ARP who-has requests to determine which hosts are up
bind_layers         : Bind 2 layers on some specific fields' values
bridge_and_sniff    : Forward traffic between two interfaces and sniff packets exchanged
corrupt_bits        : Flip a given percentage or number of bits from bytes
>>> help(send)
Help on function send in module scapy.sendrecv:
send(x, inter=0, loop=0, count=None, verbose=None, realtime=None, *args, **kargs)
    Send packets at layer 3
    send(packets, [inter=0], [loop=0], [verbose=conf.verb]) -> None
>>> dir(IP)
['__bool__', '__bytes__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', '__delitem__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__div__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattr__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__le__', '__len__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__mul__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__rdiv__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__rmul__', '__rtruediv__', '__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__truediv__', '__weakref__', '_do_summary', 'add_payload', 'add_underlayer', 'aliastypes', 'answers', 'build', 'build_done', 'build_padding', 'build_ps', 'canvas_dump', 'clone_with', 'command', 'copy', 'decode_payload_as', 'default_payload_class', 'delfieldval', 'display', 'dissect', 'dissection_done', 'do_build', 'do_build_payload', 'do_build_ps', 'do_dissect', 'do_dissect_payload', 'do_init_fields', 'explicit', 'extract_padding', 'fields_desc', 'firstlayer', 'fragment', 'from_hexcap', 'get_field', 'getbyteval', 'getdictval', 'getfield_and_val', 'getfieldval', 'getlayer', 'getstrval', 'guess_payload_class', 'hashret', 'haslayer', 'hide_defaults', 'hops', 'init_fields', 'initialized', 'is_priv_addr', 'lastlayer', 'libnet', 'lower_bonds', 'mysummary', 'name', 'ottl', 'overload_fields', 'payload_guess', 'pdfdump', 'post_build', 'post_dissect', 'post_dissection', 'pre_dissect', 'psdump', 'raw_packet_cache', 'remove_payload', 'remove_underlayer', 'route', 'self_build', 'send', 'sent_time', 'setfieldval', 'show', 'show2', 'show_indent', 'sprintf', 'summary', 'underlayer', 'upper_bonds', 'whois']

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